Kitten Care

Just like humans, kittens need vaccinations to prevent life-threatening diseases. At six weeks of age, maternal antibody levels begin to fade, leaving kittens unprotected. Kittens are usually given a series of three sets of vaccinations within the first 6 months of their life.

Parasites are also common in kittens and can be fatal if not treated. In our area, hookworms, roundworms and tapeworms are common. All of these parasites are potentially transmissible to humans.

Heartworms are also potentially fatal parasites that live in the heart and pulmonary artery. They are transmitted to pets by mosquitoes. Recent studies show 25% of cats in the Southeast have been exposed. During your kittens examination, your Doctor will discuss heartworm prevention for your kitten.

A FeLV (Feline Leukemia)/FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) test will also be recommended for most kittens and new cats with an unknown history. These life-threatening diseases are highly contagious and are easily transmitted to other cats and kittens.

Between four and six months of age, your Doctor will recommend spaying or neutering your pet. Spaying your female cat will stop monthly heat cycles and loud vocalizing. It will eliminate the risk of unwanted pregnancies. Spaying your cat can also reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancers, as well as uterine infections. Neutering your male cat will increase life expectancy. Neutering reduces the male cats natural instinct to roam, fight and mark or spray. It reduces the risk of cancer and disease of the prostate and testes. It will also reduce exposure to FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) and FeLV(Feline Leukemia), both are life threatening diseases.

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Adult Care

Certain vaccinations are recommended to be given annually and others have been approved to be given every three years. There are also annual tests that your Doctor will recommend to keep your pet as healthy as possible.

Dental health is as important for pets as it is for their owners. Our Doctors will make recommendations as needed for your pet during examinations.

Heartworm and flea prevention are recommended year round, especially for outdoor cats. An annual deworming may be recommended if your cat spends a lot of time outdoors.

Senior Care

Just as in humans, the likelihood of illness and disease increase with age. Kidney disease, heart disease, thyroid conditions, arthritis, diabetes and cancer are common in senior cats. As your cat reaches its senior years, early detection and proper medical care are the keys in providing a higher quality of life for your cat. Effective new treatments are available to reverse or effectively manage these conditions if detected early. A senior profile, which includes blood and urine testing, can be done in effort to detect these diseases early. This is recommended yearly starting at the age of seven years. We also carry several supplements, vitamins and diets to help your cat during the aging process.